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Friday, September 7, 2012

Lawn Boy

"One day I was 12 years old and broke. Then Grandma gave me Grandpa's old riding lawnmower. I set out to mow some lawns. More people wanted me to mow their lawns. And more and more. . . . One client was Arnold the stockbroker, who offered to teach me about "the beauty of capitalism. Supply and Demand. Diversify labor. Distribute the wealth." "Wealth?" I said. "It's groovy, man," said Arnold.
If I'd known what was coming, I might have climbed on my mower and putted all the way home to hide in my room. But the lawn business grew and grew. So did my profits, which Arnold invested in many things. And one of them was Joey Pow the prizefighter. That's when my 12th summer got really interesting . . ."

If you enjoy Lawn Boy, be sure to check out the sequel: Lawn Boy Returns.


  1. From the little I have read this book is really interesting. I know at the end of this book, its going to be a really exciting ending. I think you shold read it too.

    1. I agree f2wilson, I didn't want to put it down. They really know how to keep the reader guessing.

    2. I think that it was very good, too. I thought it was interesting.

    3. I to agree with f2wison. I thought it was going to be boring, but after I read it was great!

    4. i agree too f2wilson at first i thought it would have been so boring it was actually pretty cool!

  2. I think this book will be about a 12 year old making a living by cutting grass. So far he is starting his business.

    1. This book sounds like it would be funny I would really want to read this book,but I'm not done with the book I'm reading now.When I read this book I think he will break the lawnmower.

    2. it is very funny and i like how it is from a kids point of view but you really have to pay attion to what they are saying

    3. I agree with F2#CFaulkner! I like how it is from a kids point of view.

  3. I read it in 4th grade, I did not like the book,it was really boring to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I disagree I think it is really interesting. I like this book because a twelve year old is making a living by cutting grass:)

    2. I definitly disagree to your comment because I thought it was a really good book and I think if you start to understand the book then you will like it better. I had to understand the text for me to like the book better so you should try that.

    3. I disagree,I think it is a great book. It has alot of entertainment and has some action in it.

    4. F1Connert ,I totally agree with what you said ,because only once in a lifetime does a 12 year old get rich off of mowing lawns with an old lawnmower. I would reccomend this book if you are just looking for a short book to read over the summer or somthing

  4. This book is very interesting. The lawn boy has an exciting life for a 12 year old. I reccomend this book.

    1. yes very good book about a 12 year old boy.

    2. I agree this book is interesting because he turns a boring birthday present into a business.

    3. I agree with logan it is very interesting and it seems to be a good book so far.

    4. f1owens ,I would like to add on to what you said about this wonderful book and all but there's more to it ,we understand it because we 6th graders are in love money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BLING!!!

  5. I thought this book was really good.I thought it would be bad, but it wasn't.I think every one would enjoy it

    1. Yeah, like I said, it is okay. It wasn't really suspenseful.

    2. i agree i think every one that reads this will like it

  6. i enjoyed this book nice short interesting book. Alot about money and math in this book.

    1. You are write it was a awesome book for young readers to learn about stocks and stuff.

  7. This book was okay. It didn't have much action except qat the end of the book, though.

    1. I disagree, I think this book was great.

    2. I also disagree,The WHOLE book was great.

  8. At first I didn't get it.It was kind of boring but at the end there was some action.I think this book wasn't the best but it turned out alright.

    1. i agree it wasnt the best book ever but right at the end there was some action

    2. i sort of agree it was a little boring because of the ffact that the book talked about money and stock and all that stuff

  9. I have only read about half of the book, but so far it has been a very exciting! I really reccomend this awesome book!!!! :)

  10. I really liked this book and I would recommend it because it is very interesting.

  11. I read this boook and it was very good! It is a fun and easy book. I really think you should read it!

    1. I think Lawn Boy is a good book and a quick read. I would like to have a job making money that I could invest. I would invest my money in animals and designing t-shirts.

  12. This book is great I can't name them all because there is so many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I So Agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. is this book any good

    1. I don't know, I've never read.

    2. I was wondering the same thing. I was gonna read it for my third making waves book but I did'nt know if it was any good.I really hope this book is interesting.

  14. I've got about 20 pages left,and so far it has been a really interesting book. I love reading it and the author wrote a great book.

  15. This Book Was A Great Book !!! I Loved It Sooooooooooooo Much :D IT WAS AMAZING !!! <3

  16. I was looking for a book to read and there wasn't any good books so I grabbed this one. I started reading and it was really good. I recommend this book. It looks boring, never judge a book by its cover!

  17. i think it is a awesome book!!!!!!

  18. I realy want to read this book!

    1. You should! It is pretty good, and it would be a good book for you!

  19. I think this is good for kids the are trying to make money.but, it is an good bookon the other hand

  20. I would not invest in coffins. I would invest in Chick-fil-a stock. I would hope that I could make money like they did in the Lawn Boy. I could win the lottery.

  21. I loved this book!! I think that everybody should read it!

  22. when i started reading this book it was kinda boring then as i read on it got really good

  23. this book is great but did he invest in coffins walmart is the way to go

  24. i just started this book and o think it its going to be really funny

  25. After readind about half of this book i noticed that you really have to pay attion to what they are saying or you kind of get losted

  26. After finishing this it was really great i think anyone who gets this book will like it no matter what they normaly read

    1. You never know just because me and you liked it doesn't mean someone else will like it

  27. I think this book is one of my favorites. I think its soo cool that he made soo much money!

  28. I got this book because it was pretty short, but it actually turned out to be good! I am almost finished!!

  29. i just finished the book and it was great!

  30. This book was very good in my opinion I would prefer it but you don't have to like it

  31. I like this book very much!! Everyone should read it!

  32. Great book i liked it alot i would frefer this book to everyone

  33. i liked this book and that kid was SUPER RICH!!!!
